Taking stock on EU law enforcement: webinar on 27 November
On 30 October 2020 the blog page eulawenforcement.com celebrated its 50th blog post (written in a “discussion style”). This moment represents also a good opportunity to take stock on the recent and upcoming developments in the field of EU law enforcement. The blog is organizing an online event on 27 November (15:00-16:00) at StarLeaf.com.
Alex Turk (King's College London) will chair this discussion in which the authors of the 50th blog post (Emily Bartels, Kelly Blount, Mira Scholten and Laura Zoboli) and Cedric Ryngaert (Utrecht University) will present their views on the enforcement issues in EU competition law, EU criminal law, EU institutional law and as regards new developments concerning EU Commission in the field of EU global human rights sanctions.